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News:BE:English Building Blocks

Max Frisch, a swiss playwright and novelist, wrote a manuscript that combines questions about various topics such as: property, love, death, friendship...They are all published in german with the title "Fragebogen" by Suhrkamp, Frankfurt and can be found in the archive of the university.

On June 29th 1987, when he was awarded the honorary doctorate at the Technical University of Berlin, Max Frisch posed 25 questions that highlight the relationship among technology, society and nature and are part of the building block called “25 questions”. The purpose of this building block is to help students question the benefits and dangers of technology. A building block is a short teaching learning unit, that transfers responsibility onto the participant and leaves the teacher as a facilitator. It, actually, is the main learning method in the Blue Engineering course. The building blocks are originally developed in german, but they are currently in the process of being translated to english. The translated building blocks, that will be available in the coming weeks, consist of the following:

  • 25 questions
  • Gender, diversity and technology
  • Technology as a problem solver
  • Cat video: Material and social requirements of technology
  • 100 points: Technology design factors
  • A short story about time
                   Keep checking the blue engineering website for updates and more translated documents!